
Welcome to DupeWise AI

As 5G and 6G technologies become the backbone of global communication infrastructures, the integration of AI brings both enhancements and new vulnerabilities. This offering specifically addresses the inevitable emergent criminality of AI behaviors at scale, which poses a significant risk to these advanced telecommunications networks.


DupeWise staff hold dozens of certifications in fraud, counterterrorism, policing, privacy, supply chain and logistics from entities such as the United Nations and Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.


DupeWise researchers have jointly published with United Nations Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, EUROPOL Cyber Crime Center (EC3), cybersecurity companies like Trend Micro, and Federal Governments. DupeWise Research has been presented at INTERPOL AI in Law Enforcement, EUROPOL Cyber-Telecom Advisory Group, United Nations Center for Counter Terrorism (UNCCT), MasterCard Threatcast, Trend Micro Security Predictions 2024, GSMA, RSA, Black Hat, “internal” banking events, various Investment Funds, and TED.


DupeWise research has been the topic of media including ISMG, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, United Nations ITU, The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT of China, The Xinhua News, AI Today, Hackerverse, Dark Reading, and many others. DupeWise researcher topics have been translated into five languages.